Web Designing

Complete HTML5 Tutorials

HTML5 is latest or improved version of HTML (web designing). We know that HTML5 is also hyper text markup language. It is improved idea to create a basic structure of a website or to design a website or web applications. According to experienced web designer hyper text markup language is not a language but it is the basic technique to create a website, web applications, and hybrid applications.

HTML5 work very fine with the major browser and latest version (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, and IE)

It may be some HTML5 tag which will not be worked in some browser, but after changing browser you can get fine result.

The difference between HTML and HTML5

It is true that both have some difference but basic logic is same. Both are used to create a basic structure for a website.

It is difference in basic tags, like version declaration <!Doctype html>.

This dcotype tag is showing that you are using HTML5.

You can imagine both differences by seeing below image. This can help to you to understand that difference.

HTML5 Tutorials in Urdu Hindi

These are HTML5 new introducing which is given below.

  1. Introduction of new semantic Elements like <header>,<nav><section><footer> etc.
  2. In HTML5 Form you can validate your form as user must fill the field, you can use different input field type like date, number, email, url etc.
  3. Local Storage
  4. Web Socket
  5. Server-Sent Events
  6. Graphics using SVG & Canvas
  7. New tags for Audio & Video
  8. Geolocation which use to find location